From its inception, ALFA has been a socially responsible company that seeks to create shareholder value while contributing to the development of society.

ALFA believes private enterprises exist to create wealth and progress. A private company has to be profitable so that it can fulfill its commitment toward customers, by providing them quality products and services at a good price; toward shareholders, by giving them a reasonable return on their investments; toward its employees, with well-remunerated employment opportunities; toward the government, with the payment of taxes and, lastly, toward society, by being responsible with the environment and helpful in case of need.

As an example of its adherence to this philosophy, ALFA sponsors public institutions which are totally focused on the development of culture, like Planetario ALFA, a children’s museum open to the public in the City of Monterrey, that receives more than half a million visitors every year.

As well, ALFA supports programs and projects in education, art, and cultural activities in small communities within Mexico. It also provides economic support to private and public institutions which devotes their efforts to help and protect people in case of accidents and emergencies.