> ALFA Today


ALFA is a Mexican company consisting of five business groups: Alpek (petrochemicals and synthetic fibers), Sigma (refrigerated and frozen food), Versax (aluminum auto components) and Onexa (telecommunications).

ALFA is the world’s leading producer of aluminum cylinder heads and the world’s second largest producer of PTA. The company is the leading Mexican producer of refrigerated and frozen food.

In 2004, ALFA posted revenues of Ps 58,809 million (US$ 5,069 million) including sales from outside Mexico of US$ 2,213 million. At year end, ALFA’s assets totaled Ps 90,412 million (US$ 8,026 million) and 42,069 employees.

ALFA has production facilities in Mexico, the United States, Canada, Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and El Salvador. Its products are commercialized in more than 45 countries.

Alliances and joint ventures with 11 businesses from the United States, France, Germany, England and Mexico keep ALFA connected to the leading companies in several fields of industry.

The shares of ALFA are quoted on the Mexican Stock Exchange and in Latibex, the Stock Market in Madrid, Spain.